
Alumni, Faculty, and Students in Cincinnati Exhibition

Founding Chair of PNCA's MFA in VIsual Studies, MK Guth, has curated an exhibition titled Replacing Place at Anytime Dept in Cincinnati November 10—December 4, 2017. 

Let Dreams Soar by Adam Brock Ciresi

Bravo Alumni - October 2017

PNCA alumni do amazing things. You launch new projects investigating the intersection between humor and contemporary art. You believe so strongly that art and design can make a difference that you set up a website to connect designers to opportunities and organizations with missions you can get behind. You're brave and bold enough to put your work in front of strangers. And you're making waves every day in your communities and across the country.

MFA AC+D At SOFA Chicago

Heidi Schwegler, MFA in Applied Craft + Design Chair, curates an exhibition of AC+D students and mentors past and present to be exhibited at The Sculpture Objects Functional Art and Design (SOFA) Fair in Chicago on November 2-5, 2017.  

Pamela Guest with Steven Hillenburg and Rose Bond

Pamela Guest Awarded Princess Grace Foundation Steven Hillenburg Scholarship in Animation

Animated Arts major, Pamela Guest awarded Princess Grace Foundation’s Steven Hillenburg Scholarship in Animation

Alison Saar, “Muddy Water,” monotype/Courtesy of Paul Mullowney via Oregon ArtsWatch

Laurel Reed Pavic on Alison Saar

Lead Faculty of Art History at PNCA, Laurel Reed Pavic, reviews Alison Saar's exhibition Crepuscular Blue for Oregon ArtsWatch.

Profile image of Arvie Smith

PNCA Alumnus and Professor Emeritus Honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award

We'd like to extend our congratulations to PNCA alumnus and Professor Emeritus Arvie Smith for receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award as part of the newly relaunched 2017 Governor’s Arts Awards.

Graduate Symposium: Visualizing Resistance: Examining the Social Function of Art and Design

The six programs of the Hallie Ford School of Graduate Studies at Pacific Northwest College of Art present the fall 2017 Graduate Symposium, "Visualizing Resistance: Examining the Social Functions of Art and Design," October 5 to 7, 2017. 

"Indigo Blue (Sea Island Pure)" (2016), intaglio on hand-dyed indigo sugar sacks, courtesy of Jordan D. Schnitzer and the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation

Unnervingly Timely, Alison Saar’s Crepuscular Blue at CCA&C

The Oregonian reviews Alison Saar's new exhibition Crepuscular Blue at PNCA's Center for Contemporary Art & Culture, calling Muddy Water one of three new prints for the show, "unnervingly timely." 

Make+Think+Code Workshops

Make+Think+Code, PNCA's center for art and technology, presents a new series of workshops that are open to the public.