What does it mean to be a “Sanctuary Campus"?

Pacific Northwest College of Art remains committed the idea that every member of our community should be afforded the same protections under the law and should be treated fairly and equally regardless of race, religion, nationality, or immigration status.  We are constantly reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure that they are in line with best practices and with our goals as an institution.  As such, PNCA reaffirms the following policies:

  • PNCA does not require proof of citizenship as a condition of admission, and does not discriminate in admissions or other services on the basis of immigration status.
  • PNCA will not allow any immigration enforcement officer or agency employee investigating residency status onto campus without a subpoena or warrant. Any immigration enforcement office or agency employee who enters the campus will be secured in the lobby or security office until a representative from the school verifies they have a subpoena, warrant, or other similar legally significant document covering any and all information they seek.
  • PNCA will not release any residency status documentation of students, staff, or faculty to any immigration enforcement officer or agency employee without a subpoena, warrant, or other similar legally significant document.
  • PNCA will support and protect undocumented student on campus to the maximum extent under the law.
  • PNCA will not release private information about students, faculty, or staff to law-enforcement authorities without a subpoena, warrant, or other similar legally significant document and will remain in compliance with all requirements under FERPA.
  • PNCA campus safety officers will be barred from asking for, collecting, or sharing information regarding documentation status of student, staff, or faculty.

PNCA is committed to supporting every member of our community, including dreamers, while complying with the law. We encourage all members of the community to learn about their rights.


  • ACLU guidance on knowing and understanding your rights
  • Cards with information regarding your rights are available in the President’s Office, Student Life, and Office of Career Design.
  • We bring legal experts to campus to advise students, faculty members, and staff members of their rights, responsibilities, and options.
  • For more information on our policies, please refer to the student and employee handbooks.
  • If you have any questions, reach out to Student Life at pnca-student-life@willamette.edu