Painting begins with development of core proficiency in the use of painting and drawing materials.

From there it supports both mastery within the discipline and broad interdisciplinary study via numerous electives and opportunities for self-directed work.

As a Painting major, you are encouraged to experiment widely.

Student thesis work takes many forms, including but not limited to painting, drawing, installation, comics, video, and performance.

Our faculty of professional artists is dedicated to challenging and supporting you as you develop an individual vision, voice, and mastery of forms through rigorous studio practice. Visiting artists, lectures, and critical discourse broaden your perspectives and stimulate your investigations into the historical, cultural, aesthetic, and theoretical contexts of the field.

Our aim is development of a disciplined practice that will both drive your creative endeavors and help you to locate yourself as an artist in the contemporary world. Professional issues are addressed throughout the curriculum, and include instruction in writing, studio management, portfolio development, galleries and exhibitions, and public presentation.

Morgan Walker's Drawing Class draws fire burning spring dioramas
Morgan Walker's Drawing class burns dioramas on the first day of spring and draws the resulting fire

Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what they are.

Lorena Romero

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