MA Design Systems Student Humaira Tasneem Hosts Design Week Portland Panel!
August 07, 2020
The Right to Fail: Risk + Reward in Building Creative Culture
"Fail harder" is emblazoned on the hearts (and walls) of many a designer, and mistakes are central to the design process and to learning in general. But risking failure presents unique challenges when seen through each of our individual lenses. Who is, and who is not, allowed to fail? How can we create a culture of experimentation and trust that truly empowers people to take risks, make mistakes, and come out the other side stronger?
Humaira Tasneem brings a unique perspective as both student and professional; as a current MA Candidate in the Design Systems program at PNCA working in the areas of social design, architecture, and art. She will lead this panel conversation about taking risks, what's at stake... and how we can not only survive our mistakes, but thrive. Featured panelists include Katie Augsburger of Future Work Design, JooYoung Oh of Multnomah Idea Lab, and Bijan Berahimi of FISK.
You can view the webinar on PNCA's youtube channel. Humaira's hopes for viewers is "to learn a lot about risk-taking, its rewards and risk through a lens of equity. We hope that through this webinar you will go away with a new idea, a fresh perspective, or a new strategy that you can apply to your life."