Podcast: An Interview with Mung Lar Lam

April 11, 2010

Finn Grey ’10 interviews Mung Lar Lam, who was in residence at Museum of Contemporary Craft in partnership with Pacific Northwest College of Art from April 1-3.

Mung Lar Lam performs _Ironings_, a meditation on labor, gender and class, in which the task of ironing becomes the means of mark making. Lam works principally with reclaimed factory-produced textiles that she carefully steams and presses into origami-like folds. While some works remain discreet pieces, maintaining their autonomy, others are opened to expansively tile the walls, creating an environment for her performative labors. Lam recycles her _Ironings_ for subsequent performances by un-ironing and re-ironing, and inscribes dates on each piece to disclose the number of iterations it has been through and the number of memories each one holds. Working with rudimentary textile operations, and pulling from practices of drawing, painting, sculpture and architecture, Lam has been developing a new and overtly gendered discipline for herself.

For more information about Gestures of Resistance, visit the Museum of Contemporary Craft “web site”:http://www.museumofcontemporarycraft.org/exhibitions/index.php?f=2010_01_gestures.

*An Interview with Mung Lar Lam*
Download audio (10 MB, MP3)


Slideshow: Mung Lar Lam performs _Ironings_ at Museum of Contemporary Craft, April 1, 2010. Photos by Chloe Dietz ’13.