MTC Executive Director Nandini Ranganathan Issues a Challenge

May 06, 2019

Cryptographer, mathematician, and Executive Director of PNCA's Make+Think+Code lab, Nandini Ranganathan issues an urgent challenge in her recent TedX talk: we have one year to battle the viral spread of disinformation and its dangerous fallout before the next election. She proposes a Bletchley Park for the 21st Century: a human-powered, insight-driven, inclusive project to end disinformation and redefine what civic engagement looks like. Nandini notes that cryptography is a lens through which to see the world as a series of puzzles. And breaking fascist codes or solving complex problems like the threats that come with viral disinformation can be broken down in a similar fashion.

See her talk here.

And send an email to to join the war on disinformation. It begins July 9.

And read more about Nandini's project in TedX Portland Making a Difference. Hers is one of three talks featured in this recent article in the Portland Tribune.