Graduate Lecture Series: Julie Perini
June 26, 2023
Julie is a filmmaker, daily videomaker, diary keeper, video artist, reader, writer, teacher, question asker, raw nerve, hot spring hopper, product of white suburbs of New York and DIY culture of the 90s, and friend to many. Her involvement with the post-9/11 “War on Terror” spurred her work with prison and police abolitionist movements. She is the recipient of numerous grants, awards, and residencies and exhibits work in theaters, community spaces, galleries, campgrounds, storefronts, the sides of bridges, and many other venues. Julie sees movies in actual movie theaters. She likes old cameras. She eats pancakes at a diner at least once a week. Originally from New York, Julie is a Professor of Art at Portland State University.
Wednesday, June 28, 6:00 pm Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)
511 NW Broadway, Portland, OR