Rhythms of Grace
July 28, 2020
Rhythms of Grace
Welcome to a world where spiritual freedom lives. In this world, just like any other, communication happens via sounds, but the importance here is in the experience of these particular frequencies. Sound has the power to transport anyone from the real world to this world where limitations are only bound by the mind. This world orbits within spiritual waves of freedom that bounce around in the minds of the faithful. I’m a citizen of this world, trying to find my place, from a limited space where my physical body lives to a liberated spiritual world where rhythms of grace exist.
All Thesis presentations will take place at 2:30 PST the Friday of the exhibition via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting ID: 97383726648, Password: 157144, (US) +1 301-715-8592‬
Rooted in critical investigation and rigorous, self-disciplined creative practice, the Low-Residency MFA in Visual Studies program is ideal for motivated students who can work independently, who desire a flexible structure, and who are seeking the challenge and community of an immersive graduate program, inclusive of both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary practices with an international outlook.
Thank you to Fourteen30 Contemporary for their generous donation of gallery space and resources for our Thesis exhibitions: Fourteen30 Contemporary, 1501 SW Market Street, Portland OR 97201.
Oregon Artswatch for proving promotion for these exhibitions.