PNCA Faculty Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas publish a text in MARCH

October 05, 2021

A Screenshot of the Consuming Nature Website

The Luminary is pleased to present the works of Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas. Consuming Nature is a series of site-specific billboards along the roadsides from Sauget, IL (formerly Monsanto) driving towards St. Louis, MO, accompanying documentary audio, and an essay published by MARCH. The billboards will be viewable from October 7 to November 1, 2021.


Consuming Nature by Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas Essay


High quality audio:

Consuming Nature by Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas Audio

Can we criticize colonialism without criticizing capitalism? Once we understand the division of domains and shared responsibilities between imperial rule, private investors, and a global market, the factor linking 16th-century colonialism to contemporary forms of neocolonial and extractivist policies becomes evident.

-Introduction by Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz