MFA in Collaborative Design/MA in Design Systems Class of 2020 Thesis Talks Schedule

April 29, 2020

A brainstorming session is captured with a cluster of tagged notes and maps pinned on the left and a handwritten whiteboard-style sheet on the right outlining topics like 'Resistances', 'Resources Scarcity', and 'Climate' taped to a wall.

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 MFA in Collaborative Design and MA in Design Systems!! Join us to hear their public Thesis Talks from May 4-11 via Zoom!

You can find Zoom links and more information about each student's area of focus on the full schedule of talks. Please join this exceptional group of candidates as they present their research, design processes, and ongoing and future projects.

MFA Collaborative Design + MA Design Systems Class of 2020

Mijounga Chang, MA Design Systems

Audrey Lewis, MA Design Systems

Simone Crowe, MFA Collaborative Design

Leah Payne, MFA Collaborative Design

Emilie Jensen, MFA Collaborative Design

Katie Scott, MFA Collaborative Design

Kate Baker, Dual MFA Collaborative Design + MA Critical Studies