Graduate Lecture Series: Jessica Bellamy
February 18, 2020
MFA Collaborative Design and MA Design Systems are excited to welcome Jessica Bellamy for a lecture on his work and practice as part of the Hallie Ford School of Graduate Studies Spring 2020 Lecture Series.
International speaker, Adobe Creative Residency alumna, and award-winning infographic designer, Jessica Bellamy, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Louisville (UofL) with degrees in Drawing (BFA), Graphic Design (BFA), Pan African Studies (BA), and a minor in Communication. As a former Neurodevelopmental Science research analyst at UofL, community organizer, and after six years of working with nonprofits and community groups to create infographics, she co-founded the Root Cause Research Center (RCRC). The RCRC is a grassroots-led research center that collects data, tells visual data stories, as well as works alongside and trains impacted community members in research and data storytelling. She has been featured in Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global, Forbes, Communication Arts Magazine, The Great Discontent, Create Magazine, Creative Mornings, Slack, The Dieline, Revision Path, and on Adobe’s Project 1324 (viewable through Facebook).
Free and open to the public. Can’t be there in person? Watch on our livestream channel: