Graduate Lecture Series: Arnold Kemp
September 23, 2019
Graduate Lecture Series: Arnold Kemp
Wednesday, October 2, 2019 6:30 PM
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway Ave Portland OR 97209
The MFA in Print Media, Visual Studies and the PSU School of Art + Design Contemporary Art Practice MFA in Studio Programs are excited to welcome Arnold J. Kemp for a public lecture on his work and research as part of the Hallie Ford School of Graduate Studies Lecture Series.
For almost 3 decades Chicago, IL-based artist Arnold J. Kemp has been concerned with artists, writers, curators and educators working in art spaces founded by and in support of other artists. His artistic work and writing is rooted in research and process, and engages ideas about the permeability of the border between self and the materials of one’s work. His experimental practice extends beyond the studio and formal gallery system by taking the form of talks, performances, limited-edition artist’s books, collaborations and art objects. For the artist, art production holds potential to spur new thinking about the requirements of creativity in a world where all bodies need to engage creatively every single day. Kemp’s work is in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Studio Museum in Harlem (New York, NY), The Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (Berkeley, CA), The Portland Art Museum (Portland, CA), and The Fine Arts Collection at University of California, Davis. He is a 2012 Guggenheim Fellow and has received awards and fellowships from the Joan Mitchell Foundation, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Art Matters Inc., Printed Matter, Inc., and Portland Institute for Contemporary Art. He received his MFA from Stanford University. He has shown most recently at Iceberg Projects, Chicago, IL; Biquini Wax, EPS, Mexico City, Mexico; May68 Book & Record shop at Martos Gallery, NY, NY, Capital Gallery, San Francisco, CA and Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland. OR.
Free and open to the public.
This talk is brought to PNCA in partnership with the PSU School of Art + Design Contemporary Art Practice MFA in Studio Program and The James DePreist Fellowship provided by the Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation.