Creative Writing Residency: Week 1 Recap

January 06, 2023

A group of people seated in a gallery observing abstract art; three paintings with subdued, sparse brushstrokes on white backgrounds adorn the wall above them.
Creative Writing Chair Jay Ponteri with MFA Students at Nationale
Creative Writing Chair Jay Ponteri with MFA Students at Nationale

Dao Strom reading at Nationale

Dao Strom reading at Nationale
Dao Strom, Jay Ponteri and May at Nationale
Dao Strom, Jay Ponteri and May at Nationale
Rizo print workshop
Rizo print workshop
MFA graduate students serving in the rizo print workshop
MFA graduate students serving in the rizo print workshop
Sara Jaffe reading at Nationale
Sara Jaffe reading at Nationale
Reading introductions by MFA Creative Writing student Diana Oropeza
Reading introductions by MFA Creative Writing student Diana Oropeza
lovely crowd at Nationale
lovely crowd at Nationale
Reading by Jay Ponteri chair of Creative Writing MFA program at Nationale
Reading by Jay Ponteri chair of Creative Writing MFA program at Nationale

MFA students Jason Le & Tom Manzanarez viewing work at Nationale
MFA students Jason Le & Tom Manzanarez viewing work at Nationale