The Care Reader
November 10, 2020
About The Care Reader
The digital reader was curated to accompany the 2020 PNCA Graduate Symposium: “Forms of Care: Building the Worlds We Need,” November 20-21.
2020 has presented us with manifold challenges. Some of these challenges are centuries old, incited by the violence and atrocities of settler colonialism, industrialization, and the expansion of capitalism to all corners of the world. Some of these challenges feel new, but are the culmination of the terrifying effects of climate change threatening total ecological collapse. At every turn we are confronted with catastrophic situations, and we are called upon to find creative ways of sustaining, nourishing, and caring for our world.
We turn to the wisdom of those that have survived and continue to sustain themselves and their communities in apocalyptic situations. We seek to uplift the voices of survivors that have found ways of loving themselves and others while fighting for a more just world.
With steady intention and care, dreaming, visions, resilience, and direct action, we’ll cultivate new futures - worlds of joyful entanglements bound by mutual aid and compassion.
The reader includes podcasts, webinars, links to articles, and information about other resources.
The Care Reader was written and compiled by MA in Critical Studies candidate madison hames and designed and built by Oskar Radon.
Discussion Series
A series of MA in Critical Studies student-led discussions on Care Reader materials will be held November 12th, 16th, & 18th from 6-7pm PST.
The Care Reader was written and compiled by MA in Critical Studies candidate madison hames and designed and built by Oskar Radon.
The Symposium
Forms of Care: Building the Worlds We Need is a fully online symposium featuring artists, designers, scholars, and activists responding to issues of accessibility, community care, and mutual aid during a time of crisis and uncertainty that has made clear the harmful impacts of multiple oppressive systems including for-profit healthcare, policing, economic insecurity, anti-Blackness, colonization, and ableism.