Presenting the Class of 2022 MFA/MA Thesis Presentations and Exhibition

May 09, 2022

Promotional poster for a 2022 thesis exhibition, featuring large magenta numbers "2022" with event details and participating institutions' logos at the bottom.

The Hallie Ford School of Graduate Studies (HFSGS) at the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) at Willamette University is excited to present the Class of 2022 MFA/MA Thesis Presentations and 2022 Graduate Thesis Exhibition. 

Over the coming weeks, join us in celebrating this outstanding group of graduate candidates—find exhibition information, event scheduling and Zoom links below.

PNCA Graduate Thesis Exhibition 

May 26 - June 12

  • Maddox Building - 1231 NW Hoyt St
  • Flanders - 925 NW Flanders
  • Stelo Arts - 412 NW 8th Ave

First Thursday Reception - June 2nd, 5-7pm

PNCA Graduate Thesis Presentations

Thursday, May 5th


2pm-2:55 // Zoom Link PNCA - Hammer

MA in Critical Studies   

Kofmanian Animaladies

In the Alimentary Canal, the Citational Creature wields a double-edged needle (a whisker), grafts Sarah Kofman into Animal (+Mad) Studies, and performs more-than-human relational methodologies.


3pm-3:55 // Zoom Link PNCA - Hammer

MA in Critical Studies   

Ephemeral Body Art as a form of Mourning: A Conversation with Janine Antoni

A discussion of the body as material, and an entry point to understanding the ephemerality of the human experience.


4pm-4:55 // Zoom Link PNCA - Hammer

MA in Critical Studies   

The Importance of Staring: On Watchful, Boundless, and Accessible Art Writing

An exploration into a non-conventional approach to art, art writing, and the artworld.

Monday, May 9th


9am-10:30 - Maddox 

MFA in Visual Studies 

Ob/ject from Outside of the Box

You alone are the expert on what you experience while intra-acting with art.


11am-12:30 - Maddox

MFA in Visual Studies 

The Post-America

The Post-America addresses how our society will be remembered once it has dissolved. Themes of capitalism, protest, and queer revolution touch on the past, present, and future of American culture.


1-1:55pm // Zoom Link PNCA - Room 413

MA in Critical Studies

Funding Utopia: Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk’s Plot to Colonize Space and Defang Critical Science Fiction

A dissection of critical science fiction, the goals of utopia, and attempts by capitalist billionaires to co-opt space.


2-2:55pm // Zoom Link PNCA - Room 413

MA in Critical Studies

disability notes: _____

surviving as a disabled queer body


3-3:55pm // Zoom Link PNCA - Room 413

MA in Critical Studies

Consumption of Girlhood: Deconstructing the Canonized Male Gaze

This thesis will present different visualizations of girlhood and how they were received by the public. It explores topics of art history and the cultural impact of visual art.


4-4:55pm // Zoom Link :PNCA - Room 413

MA in Critical Studies

Forma Integra: A Disability Theology of Wholeness and Light

This thesis reimagines the fullness of the human experience, exploring light, rose windows, suffering and complexity in relation to the disabled body.

Tuesday, May 10th


9am-10:30 - Maddox 

MFA in Visual Studies 

The Curious Distance From Foot to Fingertip

Stories translate histories through traveling form. The spaces between arguments, miscommunications, and repair are the spaces of gaps and transitions - indeterminate distances between here and there.


11am-12:30 - Flanders

MFA in Visual Studies 

The Astonishment of Being

A series of large scale paintings that explore emergence through abstraction and systematic processes, inviting the viewer to contemplate the nebulous nature of consciousness and bringing an awareness to the feeling of space.


11am-12:15 - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media

The Litterbox of Life

A guided tour of the Familial Order of the Cat’s living tomb: a built environment for interspecies collaborations in life, death, and the spaces in between.


12:15-1:30pm - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media

Reduced Down to a Number or 3

This is an installation where I will be addressing the arbitrary sizing standard in jeans and its effect on how I view my body.


1:30-3pm - Maddox 

MFA in Visual Studies 

To Hold on to Lost Intimacies

A series of objects that have been passed down through a family. They are relics of memory and loss. How does memory operate in the body? How do we find lost intimacies with those that are no longer with us or that we may have never known? This project attempts to pull back the veil of intimacy to find new traces of love, loss, and memory in the body.


2-3:15pm - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media

This Bliss in Being a Glitch

Taking pleasure in existing as you are. Considering my own intersectionality and alternative identity within a binary society.


3:15-4:30pm - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media

Finding Comfort in The Crisis

An intersectional Tropical Glow Baby identity combined with moments of comfort as I embark on breaking down my own adoption trauma rooted identity crisis.


3:30-5pm - Flanders

MFA in Visual Studies 

Come Sit With Me

Come Sit With Me is a personal exploration of grief, breaking learned patterns and intergenerational cycles of behavior, and identity after the loss of all immediate family. The work is a series of domestic and vernacular art featuring canvas family photograph quilts, wooden doily tapestries, and a durational video exploring “labors of love.”

Wednesday, May 11th


9am-10:30 - Maddox 

MFA in Visual Studies

To Float, To Unravel

A series of large, abstract paintings explore the terrain of ambiguous spaces, offering the viewer a site to consider ideas of a fluid and fragmented reality.


11am-12:30 - Maddox

MFA in Visual Studies

Threads that Bind Us

Threads that Bind Us uses fiber art, installation and animation work to explore concepts around rural identity, gender, queerness and the body.


11am-12:15 - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media 


When I skate, my mind and body harmonize with the physical architecture to bring focus to the very moment I am part of. This moment is my spirituality.


12:15-1:30pm - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media

re: grief

A portrait of grief in prints and words, created to allow space in our lives for understanding and living with it.


1:30-3pm - Flanders

MFA in Visual Studies


"Everything is utterly meaningless!" Contemplating meaning and purpose in life at the intersection of Nihilism and Theology.


2-3:15pm - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media

h o m e i s . . .

a space for me, and a space for the rest of the world : an act of mourning and an act of resiliency


3:15-4:30 pm - Stelo Arts

MFA in Print Media 

On the invisible Labour of Mothers, Memes and Microbes

The creation of “Fun Times Crying Paper” – Exploring the journey of the artist in learning how to use humor, intuition, grief and more to share information and create meaningful bridges between people and the planet. 


3:30-5pm - Flanders

MFA in Visual Studies

Playing with Discomfort

Video performances explore nontraditional mindfulness activities that play with physical discomfort in natural spaces.


5-5:50pm - Zoom link // PNCA Mediatheque

MA in Design Systems 

Conceiving Queer: Toward an Equitable Future

Can we design a better Trying To Conceive experience for queer couples? A discovery of inclusive design interventions for a space that is organized around the heterosexual.


6-6:50pm -  Zoom link // PNCA Mediatheque

MA in Design Systems

Flourishing The Free Food Network

My focus is to help reduce hunger in Portland, Oregon: Enhancing resources for marginalized BIPOC communities, increasing hunger awareness, and strengthening community collaboration.


7-7:50pm -  Zoom link // PNCA Mediatheque

MFA in Collaborative Design 

Public Spaces for Mental Health: Tools for acknowledging mental health through design

My installation, toolkit, and primer illustrate the many ways in which the spaces of our cities both are influenced by and impact mental health. This is done through a combination of audio recording, paper cut-outs and posters.

Thursday, May 12th


10am-11:30 - Maddox

MFA in Applied Craft + Design   

Belonging and Belongings

Illustrated memory boxes for three individuals based on their stories. This work focuses on themes of home, memory, and interpersonal relationships using nature imagery.


12pm-1:30 - Maddox 

MFA in Applied Craft + Design   

Sucker Punch: Sparring with Chronic Pain

A soft sculpture set and garment collection about living with chronic pain in a woman’s body and learning to regain control from what trauma took.


1:30-3pm - Maddox

MFA in Visual Studies

Certificate of Presence

This is a place of play. Surrounding the space with Light and Reflection, I aim to evoke a mindset of fun and collaboration in a space that is built for visual and lens participation. I ask that you take as many photos as you can, look at the space through your lens or phone and experience, and document the ephemeral.


2pm-3:30 - Flanders

MFA in Applied Craft + Design   

Bygone Sensibilities

How we dress ourselves and interact with our clothing can be paralleled by the way we form and navigate inter/intrapersonal relationships.


3:30-5pm - Flanders

MFA in Visual Studies

Queer Illuminations

Research and making-based process which investigates the connections between Medieval and contemporary culture and the presence of alternative identities and queerness within both.

Friday, May 13th


10am-11:30 - Maddox 

MFA in Applied Craft + Design   

Hidden in Plain Sight

An allegorical world that explores mental health issues through character design, illustration, sculpture, and visual storytelling.


12pm-1:30 - Flanders

MFA in Applied Craft + Design   

On Picnics

The picnic basket as post-pandemic ritual object.


1:30pm-3:30 - Flanders

MFA in Visual Studies 

This Place

A combination of soft sculpture, chalk drawing and installation culminate the pursuit to visualize where my loved ones have gone, and where we will go. This is a Place that time can’t touch; a Place where we’re free to Be as we Are. Themes of impermanence, healing, turbulence and a skewed perception of self motivate every piece.


3:30-5pm - Maddox 

MFA in Visual Studies 

Into Resplendence & Light

A sound and light art installation about the inherent wholeness of bodily complexity through illuminated rose windows, vocal performance, and kaleidoscopic shadows.