PNCA Alumn, Iris Williamson, Appointed Director of Exhibitions at Maine College of Art & Design

January 30, 2023

Headshot of Iris Williamson

We're excited to report that one of PNCA's very own, Iris Williamson, was appointed as the new Director of Exhibitions at Maine College of Art & Design. At PNCA, Iris studied Critical Theory + Creative Research. She went on to teach, curate, and direct in various places and even started her own company that holds exhibitions, "by emerging and established visual artists across disciplines."

Through a national search, Iris stood out for her, "deep experience in arts administration, business, non-profits, and education combined with her art practice and deep understanding of art history and museum studies." (Maine College of Art & Design)

"In her new role, Williamson will be responsible for overseeing exhibitions across Maine College of Art & Design while also managing the exhibitions and other programming at the Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art & Design (ICA)." (Maine College of Art & Design)

We're always thrilled to see our alumni succeed while spreading critical art practices throughout academic spaces. Congrats, Iris!