Graduate Symposium 2022: Do-It-Yourself/Do-It-Ourselves

November 15, 2022

2022 Hfsgs Graduate Symposium Banner

This symposium explores DIY histories, practices, and counter-publics and their roles in fashioning the culture of the Pacific Northwest. DIY making spans writing, fashion, music, art, craft, design, and social practice.

The early days of the pandemic saw a return to DIY practices: cooking, crafting, mutual aid, and survival preparation. DIY has a rich history in our region, one which we hope to explore and critique, opening up new possibilities for DIY culture in the present and future. DIY means not only “doing it yourself”- but making in community and collaboration with others. Local makers create alternative economies, radical solutions, and parallel social worlds.

The symposium will feature an art exhibition, a zine symposium, keynote speaker, and hands-on workshops December 1, 2, and 3, 2022 at the Pacific Northwest College of Art (511 NW Broadway) in downtown Portland, Oregon. All events will be free to attend and participate in.

We welcome you to this event exploring DIY histories, aesthetics, politics, archives, and ongoing attempts at self-creation, world-making, and community building to survive and shape the present and future.


  • Indigenous Knowledge and Creativity
  • Queer and Trans DIY
  • Anti-Capitalist Ingenuity
  • Crip Wisdom
  • Punk Inventiveness
  • Maker Culture
  • Craft and Craftiness
  • Zines, Self-Publishing, Print Media
  • Portland as a Hub of DIY Practice

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