Dr. Sloane McNulty presents "Debt & Parasites: On Viral Ethics"

April 21, 2020

headshot of Dr. Sloane McNulty

Dr. Sloane McNulty presents "Debt & Parasites: On Viral Ethics" for Critical studies students via zoom

Description: This talk confronts the ethics of debt, arguing how neoliberal policy, viral contagion, and humanism converge in our contemporary moment in the form of the parasite, exposing the violence of the state and capital in their mutual mobilization of responsibility, sacrifice, and austerity.

Related readings:

Stefano Harney & Fred Moten - "Debt and Study"

Chuang - "Social Contagion: Microbiological Class War in China"

Nicole Shukin - "Biomobility: Calculating Kinship in an Era of Pandemic Speculation" (Chapter 4 of Animal Capital: Rendering Life in Biopolitical Times)