Critical Studies Students present at the Lewis & Clark Gender Studies Symposium

March 19, 2019

Critical Studies Students present at the Lewis & Clark Gender Studies Symposium

March 13, 2019

Kate Baker Williams, Ashley Couch, and Laura Nash led the round table discussion Concerning Care in Institutions.

The introduction the students read at the top of the event - “Our discussion engages with a sociological view of contemporary US institutions. That is, institutions as entities in society engaged in activities or services that regulate, structure and influence the social and material lives of members. While different characteristics, needs, or experiences may position any one individual as inside or outside of an institution’s “target population,” each of us are served by and implicated in institutional systems daily. In response to this, and in recognition of the power dynamics enacted by those perspectives which design and direct these institutions, we open a conversation about the capacity of these structures to “care.” Care as a commodity and role responsibility is integrated in nearly all social institutions in the US, but today, we question if meaningful care as a value and a practice presents itself in these functions - or if it even can. We encourage you to refer to your own experience and lived expertise as shareholders in this conversation.”