Call for Proposals: Art and Environmental Justice

April 22, 2019

CFP: Art and Environmental Justice Symposium

deadline for submissions: May 17, 2019

UPDATE: Deadline hsa been extended until June 1

contact email:

Date: November 22-23, 2019

Location: 511 NW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97209

Description: A free, full-day interdisciplinary symposium to promote dialog on the interplay of environmentalism, social justice, education, and the arts. Scholars, activists, educators, and artists working on environmental justice issues will explore the politics surrounding systemic biases and the ways that environmental degradation and climate change intersect with race, gender, and class to create disproportionate outcomes on both a local and global scale.

The day’s agenda will place the arts at the center of these conversations, investigating how creative practices contribute to community and global struggles for environmental justice.

CFP: Seeking submissions from activists, scholars, graduate students, and advanced undergraduate students.

Proposals should consist of a single PDF or Word file containing the following:

  • presenter’s name, email address, and institutional affiliation (where applicable)
  • title of presentation
  • format of presentation (Please consult our list of presentation types. If you are proposing something other than an individual paper to be combined with others to form a complete panel, please indicate the preferred duration of your session. We will plan for 15-20 minutes for each presentation on a panel.)
  • brief biographical information of presenter(s) or one-page CV (Please do not send a full CV.)
  • proposal of less than 800 words
  • brief bibliography or list of sources (as relevant)
  • anticipated AV needs and any other logistical or technical requirements

If submitting a full panel, please include the above information for all presenters on the panel.


UPDATE: Deadline for submissions extended to June 1

Send proposals

The planning committee will confirm receipt of proposals. If you do not hear from the committee by June 1, then you should assume that we did not receive your proposal.

Announcement of accepted proposals will be made by email June 14. The full program schedule will be posted to the symposium website by July 1.

Please direct questions to Shawna Lipton, Symposium Faculty Director, or Graduate Student Coordinator Randy Meza,


Individual paper: Presentation of 15-20 minutes; may be submitted alone or with other papers to form a full panel (see below). Presentations may be drawn from coursework, internships, or independent research. If you submit an individual paper, the committee will connect your presentation to other individual submissions to form a full panel.

Panel: Typically consists of 3-4 individual presentations, sometimes submitted as a fully formed panel, but more often assembled from individual papers submitted separately. For the latter, the program committee will combine individual papers based on common themes or shared areas of inquiry, and the committee will devise a session title and select a panel chair. Panels typically last 90 minutes, including 20-30 minutes for discussion and interaction among the panelists and with the audience.

Workshop: Session of 60-90 minutes in which the facilitators lead participants through some activity or exercise. (May include hands-on crafts or artistic productions, writing workshops, meditation sessions, and skills trainings.)

Roundtable discussion: Usually includes 3-6 people who bring different perspectives to a set of questions or issues determined in advance. The typical format is for each panelist to speak briefly at the outset, followed by moderated discussion among the presenters and with the general audience. A roundtable is distinguished from a panel of individual presentations in that the entire session involves interaction and conversation among the presenters rather than a series of individual presentations followed by conversation.

Reading: Presenter or presenters share poetry or prose rather than scholarly papers.

Performance: May include music, dance, performance art, or other theatrical performances

KEYNOTE: Macarena Gómez-Barris

Macarena Gómez-Barris is chairperson of the Department of Social Science and Cultural Studies and director of the Global South Center at Pratt Institute.

She writes and teaches on social and cultural theory, decolonial thought, racial and extractive capitalism, social movements, queer and submerged perspectives, critical Indigenous studies, experimental film, and social / environmental transformation.

Macarena is the author of three books, including The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives (Duke University Press, 2017), which theorizes social life, art, and decolonial praxis through five extractive scenes of ruinous capitalism upon Indigenous territories.

Macarena’s most recent book Beyond the Pink Tide: Art and Political Undercurrents in the Americas (University of California Press, 2018) asks us to imagine politics beyond the nation state. She is also the author of the book Where Memory Dwells: Culture and State Violence in Chile (2009), and co-editor with Herman Gray of the book Towards a Sociology of a Trace (2010). Macarena is working on a new book project called At the Sea’s Edge.

Macarena is the recipient of the Fulbright Research Award (2014–2015) and formerly, she was the director of Hemispheric Institute for Performance and Politics at New York University and a visiting fellow in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis.


Friday November 22:

Keynote Speaker 6:00-7:30 pm: Macarena Gómez-Barris

Followed by Opening Reception

Saturday November 23:

  • 10:00am-10:15 am: Opening Remarks
  • 10:15am-11:30am: SESSION ONE
  • 11:45am-12:30pm: Second Keynote Address
  • 12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch Break (Provided)
  • 1:30pm-2:45pm: SESSION 2
  • 3:00pm-3:30pm: READINGS
  • 3:30pm-4:45pm: SESSION 3

Find out more information about the Graduate Symposium.