Alley Pezanoski-Browne Lecture on April 28

March 29, 2021

a headshot of Alley Pezanoski-Browne

Pezanoski-Browne offers a case study of her path from a student of the Critical Studies MA to her current role as the Executive Director of the Independent Publishing Resource Center ( to illustrate how academic research can directly shape how we envision our spaces, communities, and work, and why art & theory students are uniquely equipped to create change.

Alley grew up in a family dedicated to the arts, education, and social justice, which led her to focus on Film/Video and Sociological Studies at Northwestern University where she earned a B.S. in Communications. For the next decade, she worked as a producer and coordinator for various documentaries, and also worked on arts/media projects and events, with a focus on fundraising and community-building. She received her master’s in Critical Theory & Creative Research from Pacific Northwest College of Art and had a stopover in Hong Kong as a Fulbright Scholar. Alley is currently the Executive Director of the Independent Publishing Resource Center ( Her work has been shown on PBS Independent Lens and published in the Leonardo Music Journal and Bitch.