AC+D Summer Spotlight: Linda Heidvogel

July 09, 2019

This summer AC+D second year, Linda Heidvogel, spent time in Joshua Tree, CA, as Yucca Valley Material Lab's first-ever intern!! The AC+D program encourages each student to seek out internships and opportunities that expand their education beyond the classroom and create in-roads for future career pathways! Yucca Valley Material Labs, founded and directed by Heidi Schwegler, former AC+D Program Chair, offers artists the opportunity to participate in residencies, classes and workshops in Joshua Tree, CA, and is a close partner of the MFA AC+D program.

Linda Heidvogel

During my time as the first Intern at Yucca Valley Material Lab (YVML), I designed a multifunctional space that Heidi Schwegler and I were able to begin and complete the first 1/3 of its construction. The current Interns are continuing the efforts and it is expected to reach completion of the basic forms by August. It will function as an outdoor gallery, a place to gather and rest, and will eventually offer increasing shade from the hot sun over time as our introduction of native desert plants increase in scale. I assisted with the design of the resource library that will reside in the Airstream on her property, learned the technical and rewarding aspects of kiln-formed glass casting and glass slumping, assisted Micheal Endo in preparation for his workshop at the YVML studio, and was available to glean a wealth of knowledge from Heidi and her experiences with getting her residency and studio workshop program underway. I will be returning for one week in the month of September to complete my 180 intern- ship hours and to assist in realizing the completion of all of the hard work that has been invested by Heidi and her visiting Interns this summer.