A Message from MK Guth, Director of Graduate Studies
April 01, 2020
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe, I want to reach out on behalf of PNCA’s Hallie Ford School of Graduate Studies and let you know that all of us are keeping you in our thoughts. We recognize that these are strange and scary times to say the least; rarely have we seen the world retreat inward as much as it has in the past few weeks.
Despite the fact that many of us feel physically and socially isolated, unsure of what the future holds, we have not lost our core foundation of creativity, resilience, adaptability and resourcefulness. As a community of artists, designers and critical thinkers, we are not alone and will continue to thrive, to maintain our practices and engage in the broader conversation. Collectively, we contribute to a more responsible society addressing social, political and aesthetic concerns – which ultimately affects the world in which we live.
Know that you are part of our community. Together by maintaining our connections to our communities, friends, family and loved ones we will emerge stronger. I believe that to be true.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more about how we can be a resource to you in this ever-changing time, while highlighting the incredible projects and works still being created both here at PNCA and out in the wider art and design world. For example, we’re currently working on the creation of a digital gallery to ensure that the works of our students and community continue to have a home that allows them to be seen and experienced by all.
For now, stay healthy and continue to adapt and make art where you are. Please stay in touch and connected with your extended creative family.
MK Guth
Director of Hallie Ford School of Graduate Studies