Global Studios: China MFA and BFA Student Exhibition

November 02, 2009

November 2009

PNCA’s Global Studios program presents a range of work exploring China’s youth culture, contemporary life, propaganda, and politics created by students during a stay in China in Summer 2009.

Global Studios: China is an experiential studio and academic learning program on Chinese contemporary art, design, society, politics, language and culture for BFA and MFA students at PNCA.  Hsueh Wei 薛玮, Associate Professor of Photography at PNCA is the Resident Director for this program. PNCA students spent 25 days abroad in Shanghai, Beijing and Suzhou, China in May and June of 2009.

Featuring work by PNCA students Amanda Langston, Alfredo Lettenmaier, Yiu-Hong Leung, Jane Schiffauer and Allison Woodin.

2009 Global Studios: China MFA and BFA Student Exhibition
November 5–28
First Thursday Opening | 6–8 pm, Thursday, November 5
PNCA Main Campus Building, Gallery 214 (second floor), 1241 N.W. Johnson St.