Faculty Member Daniel Duford Publishes "The Naked Boy," a New Graphic Novel
November 24, 2009
Daniel Duford, faculty member in the sculpture, intermedia and illustration departments, has released The Naked Boy, a new print-on-demand graphic novel. This first edition of a three-part series follows an unformed little boy following the railroad west to save his sister. Along the way he alters the landscape, America’s mythic subconscious. The Naked Boy features an introduction by Barry Sanders, PNCA’s writer-in-residence, and includes pin-ups by artists Jeff Lemire, C. Hollow, Seamus Heffernan, Annie Murphy, Ryan Alexander-Tanner, Ryan Bubnis and Zack Rau.
“See Duford speak more about his work in a video profile at PNCA’s Untitledmagazine.”:http://untitled.pnca.edu/articles/show/378/
“Read more about The Naked Boy at lulu.com.”:http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/the-naked-boy-part-1/5945927
“See The Naked Boy released serially online at Duford’s blog.”:http://www.danielduford.blogspot.com/