Sensing the Environment

December 15, 2017

Sensing the Environment: Spring 2018
Jan 8, 22, Feb 19, Mar 12, April 9.

We'd like to start up the regular check-ins and project work we talked about at the brainstorming session so we can complete the design of the sensors and start to build and field test some, start gathering data and find ways to transmit and analyze it.
Our plan for the spring is as follows - design/build + brainstorming sessions every 2 - 3 weeks.  While each session will have a focus, we would like to have as broad a group of expertise so we have a rich conversation leading to a robust affordable beautiful sensor useful for a wide variety of audiences/questions.  

Dates as follows: Jan 8, 22, Feb 19, Mar 12, April 9.  We'd like to do a curricular hackathon in early April and have that and the designs to formally launch on Earth Day (weekend of Apr 22)
Jan 8 and 22: 3:30PM - 6:30PM (we'll go as long as there are people so feel free to join us late if you can)
Completing the design of the sensor boards, the housing, as well as the data transmission protocols. focused on engineering the sensors for use. Feedback from environmental/conservation/mapping folks about relevant conditions and contexts as well as where we need to deploy would be most helpful.

Feb 19 3:30PM - 6:30pm Build session; Creating schematics, video instructions, visual tutorials.  Planning how to use the sound data to crowdsource ids.    First pass at who/where deployment soccur - air quality monitors.
Mar 12 3:30PM - 6:30pm.   Data analysis, interpretation of air quality - setup and plan for interesting visualizations.  
Apr.  - Day-long curricular hackathon to bring together educators to develop curricular modules useful (following common core/ngss)
Earth Day weekend - Launch final designed sensors, and present modules.
Summer - fall deploy sensors widely and start gathering, and analyze data (including training a dl algorithm) and develop impactful visualizations. Create relevant design modifications - solar, battery, lora, amphibian/bat, etc.
We'll update online regularly and keep the conversation alive on the slack channel  (please let me know if you need an invitation to the slack.  There is a rich conversation happening there).  
We'd love to have you for any of these check-ins and please invite/share with anybody you think may be excited about the project or who may have valuable expertise.