Friday Fives: Anton Illugason, '20

January 11, 2019

Every Friday we give #highfives to a different designer from our extended family of PNCA students, faculty, alumni, and guest lecturers. 🙌🙌🙌 We ask them five questions. They send us five images.

Anton Illugason visited PNCA for the Fall 2018 semester from LHÍ (Iceland University of the Arts). He's a graphic designer and UI/UX designer.

Follow the series @pncadesign.

Snæfellsbær Coat of Arms

Q: What or who inspires you?

A: I would have to say people in all fields who are making great innovative things, people who rethink how the world works and how we can change it for the better. Be it a cool poster I see on Instagram or an article about how vertical farming is going to change the future of food, these things have always found ways to influence my work.

Novvy Klassik restaurant identity

It’s Incredible how “simple” design, like working with text, can be so vast and different.

Anton Illugason

Q: What do you do to get "unstuck?"

Talk to other people and show them the project I'm working on. Fellow students, teachers or even people who have no idea what design is. I feel like getting a fresh perspective always gives me a great burst of inspiration.

Breiðholt FC Soccer Club Badge

A: What do you geek out about?

Fonts. Fonts are amazing! I think I could talk about fonts for hours without stopping. Classic fonts like Univers and Helvetica as well as the amazing stuff coming out of the Future Fonts platform. Also layouts and book design. It’s Incredible how “simple” design, like working with text, can be so vast and different.

Bolshevik Sans: Custom Font

Q: What is one thing you want to learn right now?

A: I’m really excited about 3D design and motion graphics right now. They add such a new layer of versatility and possibility to your work.

Photography for 66° North

Q: What is your favorite trick for "keeping it all together?"

A: It would be great if somebody reading this who knows of any tips could send them my way because I desperately need them. #l8tnightz

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Find Anton on instagram at @antonjonas and on Behance.

Follow along with our #fridayfives on instagram @pncadesign.