Friday Fives: Angie Bac
October 04, 2020
Angie Bac joins us for a a ~special bonus~ edition of the #fridayfives this weekend, leading up to her visit with us for the Design Panel Series on Tuesday, October 6. 🙌🏾🙌🏻🙌🏽 We asked her five questions, and chose five images to share with you.
Angie is a graphic designer, art director, image maker, and self-described internet surfer currently based in Portland, but with roots first in Ohio and then California, graduating from the California Institute of the Arts. She began her career in New York City, then made her way to Amsterdam to join the innovation team for Adidas global brand design, and has contributed to multiple campaigns from concept and direction to execution. In 2020, she moved back to the States and is currently working with Wieden + Kennedy. As Angie has described herself, she is most certainly a “graphic designer hustling and bustling all over.”
Kristin Rogers Brown spoke with Angie in September, 2020. Sam Garnett '22, Emery Bradlina '22, and Owen Simmons '22 provided the interview questions.
Q: What do you geek out about?
A: Really yummy noodles, things that smell good, Sailor Moon.
Q: What are you listening to and what are you reading right now?
A: Sometimes I’ll tune into the Bodega Boys podcast (the most illustrious), but I mainly catch them on Showtime now (aye third season!). I’m currently reading How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones and The Power of Nunchi by Euny Hong.
How can I better bridge the online and physical world experiences to always present my most authentic self? And how can I stay connected and open without feeling too vulnerable or exposed?
Q: What is a personal goal within design you would like to fulfill this year? (An area or skill you would like to develop further?)
A: I don’t have a specific design goal because I feel like if I work on my personal goals, my design goals will manage themselves. With that said, I’d like to work on being connected more digitally. Having moved around, I know that the fastest way to acclimate is to put yourself out there and be open to new experiences. Obviously with COVID and quarantine, it’s harder to do that, and working in isolation makes us draw even further inward. How can I better bridge the online and physical world experiences to always present my most authentic self? And how can I stay connected and open without feeling too vulnerable or exposed? These are the thoughts I’ve been navigating lately.
Q: What is your favorite trick for “keeping it all together”? (staying organized, managing your time)
A: Write it out! I don’t know how many lists I make every day, multiple times a day. I often get overwhelmed if I don’t write it out because otherwise it’s floating around in my head and I don’t want to forget anything. It’s so helpful to have a visual summary of the day, especially during quarantine. And I find it’s really important to write it, not type it. It not only helps me to see it, it also helps me remember it better because I’ve gone through the act of writing it out.
Q: Is there anything you wish you had known just starting out, that you know now?
A: The only "right way" to create is to do it every day.
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See more from Angie Bac at, or follow her on instagram @aenjee.
Sam Garnett '22, Emery Bradlina '22, and Owen Simmons '22 provided questions for this feature. FISK designed the poster. All other images courtesy of Angie.
Follow along with our #fridayfives on instagram @pncadesign.
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Hear more from Christine Shen and Angie Bac in conversation with students, colleagues, and faculty, in our Design Panel Series held over zoom and recorded on October 6, 2020, posted below. Co-hosted by PNCA Graphic Design and FISK.