Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
Visiting Faculty (2021)
Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz is a Bolivian-German writer, curator and philosopher. He was the director of Bolivia’s National Museum of Art (Museo Nacional de Arte, MNA) in La Paz until 2020. Between 2008–2011 he was curator of the exhibition and publication project Principio Potosà / The Potosà Principle (Museo Reina SofÃa Madrid / Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin / Museo Nacional de Arte and MUSEF La Paz, together with Alice Creischer and Andreas Siekmann). From 2014-2016 he was coordinator of São Paulo’s Seminário Público MicropolÃticas and Programa de Ações Culturais Autônomas (P.A.C.A., together with Suely Rolnik, Tatiana Roque and Amilcar Packer). He is the author of the book Hélio Oiticica and Neville D’Almeida: Block-Experiments in Cosmococa — program in progress (Afterall / MIT Press, 2013, together with Sabeth Buchmann).