Jeff Alessandrelli


Jeff Alessandrelli is a writer and editor. He is most recently the author of the poetry collection Fur Not Light (2019), which The Kenyon Review called an “example of radical humility…its poems enact a quiet but persistent empathy in the world of creative writing.” Entitled Nothing of the Month Club, a revised version of Fur Not Light was released in the United Kingdom in 2021. Previous books by Alessandrelli focused on skateboarding, Erik Satie and The Notorious B.I.G. His work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, Chicago Review, BOMB, The Hong Kong Review of Books, Poetry Daily, Image, Prairie Schooner, Western Humanities Review, Boston Review, Poetry London, Lit Hub, Fence and The Millions, among others.

In addition to his writing Alessandrelli also directs the nonprofit book press/record label Fonograf Editions.