Behind the Curtain of a Beating Heart and Aching Hands, is a series of abstract paintings exploring the process of applying intuition to abstraction. Creating this body of paintings helped me figure out how to use art and music as two tools to process, analyze , and dissect feelings. Throughout my project, I discovered how my intuition influenced my choices for mark making and choice of color. Creating and executing this project opened the door for me to be able to delve into the general human experience, as well as reflect on my own.
Artist Statement
Julia Yusem is an interdisciplinary artist mainly found in paint, born and raised in Portland Oregon. Some themes that the artist typically explores are but not limited to: color, shape, memory, human experience, feelings, recycling/upcycling. Art as practice acts as a meditative, intuitive and cathartic experience, and is ultimately a dumping ground for the artist's human experience and a tool for self reflection.