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Diversity at PNCA

Student clubs and organizations provide opportunities to enhance the academic, cultural, social, and recreational aspects of the student experience. Organized around students’ shared interests, identities, majors, or backgrounds, these groups often create communities and systems of support for one another. Regardless of the focus, all student clubs and organizations are open to and welcome all student members of the Willamette community.

We Value, Respect, and Appreciate Difference

As a learning community, at Pacific Northwest College of Art we value, respect, and appreciate difference—in gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, class, and age.

Diversity and inclusion at PNCA are crucial to our intellectual and aesthetic inquiry.
We strive to create a safe and supportive environment that is enriched by variety in voices, work, and perspectives. We know that we are a better community of learners and educators when we have space for a multiplicity of worldviews and experiences.
Image of pnca building
Our Guiding Principles

Guided by the principles of ethics and mutual respect, PNCA’s policies and procedures strive to ensure equity and social justice within our community of students, educators, and staff.

A platform for experimentation and expression in the arts, PNCA is also a laboratory for critical reflection and dialog that nurtures better, more informed, more critically engaged citizens while it educates emerging artists and designers. An important aspect of our curriculum is building an awareness of and critical culture around issues of power and privilege in order to decolonize our curriculum.

A light filled room at PNCA

Willamette University

Connect With PNCA

  • Glass Building


    2139 N Kerby Ave
    Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.



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