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Cornish Students can Transfer to PNCA to Stay on Track

If you are a student at Cornish College of the Arts and want to continue your education at a top AICAD art and design college in the Pacific Northwest, PNCA welcomes you to transfer.

PNCA students in a photography studio

Our process is streamlined, we offer 1:1 support, and we have ample scholarships available. We’re still accepting applications, and we’ll work closely with you to ensure your credits transfer and that you graduate on time.

Why Transfer to PNCA from Cornish?
  • Keep your artistic focus by staying at an AICAD art and design college.
  • We’ll work with you individually to transfer as many credits as possible.
  • As part of Willamette University, PNCA benefits from one of the largest private college endowments in Oregon, allowing us to offer generous merit-based scholarships and need-based financial aid to help support your educational goals.
  • We’ve made it easy for Cornish students to transfer to PNCA. Applications are still open for fall, and we’re flexible with deadlines.
  • PNCA scholarships start at $25,000 for fall 2025 before any need-based aid. We offer additional need and merit based institutional scholarships as well. Fill out the FAFSA and add the Willamette FAFSA code: 003227.
  • PNCA has no application fee. Get started and apply for free today.
A PNCA student in the Print studio
Your Major Can Transfer to PNCA

We’ve evaluated Cornish’s curriculum, and many programs will transfer easily. We can ensure a smooth transition from the following areas of study:

Some programs like Game Art and Interaction Design are possible to transfer, but may require additional review. We’re happy to help you through the process.

A PNCA student illustrating a design
Take the Next Steps

Don’t put your education on hold. Transfer to PNCA and finish your degree at a school dedicated to artists like you.

PNCA student at commencement

Willamette University

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