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In addition to your independent studio investigation, collaborative exchanges, and lab research, you'll also participate in critique seminars and on-campus activities with your fellow students. You'll select from a menu of academic courses, such as pedagogy and critical studies topics, to accompany your independent and collaborative work. And you'll be able to choose from a diverse set of courses to fulfill elective requirements.

The MFA Capstone: Mentorship

MFA candidates in Print Media are paired with individual mentors to support them through their capstone projects. Students work both independently and collaboratively, supported by the guidance of faculty and peers.

The program cultivates multiple pathways toward possible careers in small press, commercial fabrication, publishing, fine art presses, and teaching, in addition to individual studio art practice.

To support this, the program has strong connections with regional and national print and creative production studios with opportunities for professional development.

Our students benefit from a dynamic national and international roster of visiting creative practitioners and industry specialists. Students can also pursue teaching assistantships, internships, and community-based practicums for hands-on learning experiences.

Willamette University

Print Media