Safety and Security

As a University community, we do all we can to maximize the safety for all members of the Willamette community and visitors.  Campus Safety officers are on duty from 7 a.m. to midnight every day.  The PNCA Campus Safety Team is integrated into the daily life of campus. Team members are trained not only in the basics of unarmed security, but also in non-violent crisis intervention techniques, verbal de-escalation skills, gender spectrum awareness, the importance of inclusion and equity on our campus, emergency procedures, First Aid and CPR.

Only students, faculty, staff, and authorized personnel are allowed in the 511 building. All students and staff are issued ID cards and doors require ID card access.  The first and second floors of the 511 building are accessible to the public during open community events. PNCA is not responsible for loss of or damage to any personal possessions on campus. Please take care to protect your possessions from theft.

Students may request a security escort walking between campus buildings by calling the on duty Campus Safety Officer at 503-621-2061.

PNCA Campus Safety services include the following:

  • Enforce PNCA’s safety and security rules and regulations
  • Provide access control on campus
  • Patrols campus buildings and area
  • Respond to fire and medical and other emergencies
  • Provides escorts from the 511 building to Arthouse
  • Investigate suspicious activity and report crimes committed on campus 
  • Post security alerts and warnings when necessary
  • Engages in community programs aimed at reducing crime

The campus does not include any publicly owned sidewalks or streets surrounding campus buildings. The campus is defined as:   

  • Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design, the “511 building”, 511 NW Broadway.
  • Glass Building, 2139 N. Kerby Avenue.
  • Arthouse Residence Hall, 33 NW Park Avenue.

The department relies on the Portland police to enforce city ordinances and state and federal laws.  Additional information and resources are available at Willamette University’s Salem Campus Safety website.  This website includes information on the following topics and more.

Campus Safety is on duty from 7 a.m. until 12 midnight and should be contacted for all on-campus emergency and facilities-related concerns and requests. 

PNCA Annual Campus Security and Fire Report [PDF]


Emergency Procedures

First aid supplies for treating minor injuries are available in the first aid boxes on each floor of the building. First aid kits are also located in the Security office, the Facilities office, at the Information  Desk, and in every 3D lab. Reception, Facilities and Campus Safety staff are first aid and CPR certified. Please ask them if you need help. The following first aid procedures should be observed when assisting any person with any bleeding injury, no matter how small, whether the person is suspected to be infected with a communicable disease or not. The procedure outlined below should also be followed when assisting a person who has vomited or when cleaning up vomit.

  1. Wear disposable nitrile gloves, which are available in all first aid kits. Gloves should be disposed of immediately after use. Replacements are available from the Facilities Office. 
  2. Wash your hands immediately after administering first aid. 
  3. Avoid getting blood from an injured person into your eyes or mouth. If such exposure occurs, rinse the area immediately and thoroughly with soap and water. 
  4. Contact Campus Safety to Clean up any spilled incident immediately.

Evacuation of this building is required whenever the fire alarm sounds.

  • Learn the location of your two nearest emergency exits and the fire alarm pull stations 
  • Memorize the College’s Emergency Number (503) 621-2061 or program it into your cell phone 
  • If you’re at the 511 building, assemble near the basketball courts at the corner of NW Glisan and Park, if at Arthouse, assemble at the elephant statue in the North Park Block off of Park and Couch.

If the Fire Alarm Sounds

  • Go to the door of your room and check it for heat with the back of your hand 
  • If it is COOL, open the door slowly and check for smoke in the hall. If there is no smoke, stay low, go to the nearest EXIT and evacuate the building. 
  • If it HOT or if there is smoke in the hallway, DO NOT open the door. 
    • Stay in your room 
    • Pack towels, rags or blankets under the door 
    • Telephone Campus Safety at (503) 621-2061 and give them your location 
    • Wave a brightly colored item out the window to attract attention 
  • If you CAN evacuate your classroom, office, room safely 
  • Close the door as you leave (DO NOT lock the door behind you). If the door locks automatically, TAKE YOUR KEYS. 
  • Proceed to the EXIT and evacuate the building 
  • Meet at your designated area outside of and away from the building for accountability. 
  • Verify that everyone in your group has made it to safety. 
  • IF NOT and there is a fire, contact the University Police 
  • Move at least 100 feet away from the building. 
  • Stay away from the building for your personal safety and firefighter accessibility. 
  • Do not re-enter the building until the fire alarm has been silenced and the Fire Department or Campus Safety has granted permission. 

Be Prepared for a Fire 

Fire drills are held at least once per semester at the 511 building and Arthouse. Fire drills are mandatory. Anyone  failing to vacate is subject to disciplinary action. Participate in all fire drills as if they were the real thing. 

  • If you have a disability, make sure you are included in the escape planning. 
  • Learn the location of all building exits. You may have to find your way out in the dark. 
  • If a fire occurs, smoke detectors reduced  your chances of dying by half. Don't disable them. 
  • Fire sprinkler systems can save lives and property. Don't hang anything on the sprinkler heads and pipes. 
  • Portable fire extinguishers can put out small, contained fires. Don't play with them. 
  • Smoking is prohibited in the building. 
  • Candles, halogen or "Torchiere" lamps, incense burners and potpourri pots are forbidden in the on the PNCA Campus. 
  • If you have to escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your exit. 
  • Use the stairs, never elevators, during a fire. 
  • If a fire starts in a microwave oven, keep the door closed and unplug the unit. Don't try to remove the burning container from the microwave. Use microwave-safe cookware.. Do not try to reheat pizza inside the box. Call Campus Safety to report the fire.
  • Tampering with, vandalizing or misusing fire safety equipment is prohibited and constitutes reasons for eviction from the residence hall and possible suspension or expulsion from the University. Fire safety equipment includes, but is not limited to, alarms, extinguishers, smoke detectors, door closers, alarmed doors, and sprinklers. 

Failure to evacuate during a safety drill will result in disciplinary action. Items that are flammable such as fuel, etc. may not be stored in a resident's room or apartment. Items that require an open flame to operate or which produce heat (i.e., Bunsen burners, lit candles, alcohol burners, grills) are not allowed in resident's rooms. Residents must further agree to abide by the safety regulations as stipulated in the Housing contract.

If you are indoors:

  • Stay indoors!
  • DROP, COVER and HOLD ON! Drop to the ground; take cover by getting under a sturdy table, bench, or desk and hold on. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch down into a ball next to an interior wall. Move away from windows that may break and furniture or large objects that could fall over.
  • Be aware that the electricity may go out and fire alarms and sprinkler systems may activate.
  • If you are in bed stay there! Hold on and put a pillow over your head for protection.
  • If you are in a theater or stadium, stay in your seat or get under it if possible, and protect your head with your arms. Do not leave until the shaking is over.
  • If you are in a crowded room or public place, do not rush for exits. Move away from display shelves holding objects that could fall on you and “drop, cover, and hold on.” 
  • Do not use elevators 

IF you are outdoors:

  • Stay outdoors!
  • Move to an open area away from trees, buildings, utility poles and lines, or signs.
  • If you are in a downtown area, on a sidewalk near a tall building, get inside the building’s lobby to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, or other debris. 
  • Greatest danger exists directly outside buildings at exits and alongside exterior walls.

After An Earthquake

  • Check yourself and those around you for injuries.
  • Evaluate for yourself, or wait for instructions from a PNCA officer of the college, to determine if evacuation is necessary.
  • If the building seems largely unscathed, stay where you are.
  • If there are noticeable cracks in the wall, windows are broken, or you can smell natural gas (rotten eggs), then proceed with evacuation protocols.
  • If you need to evacuate, collect all personal belongings to take with you. Look for signs of building damage or for persons who are injured or trapped, on you way out. Watch for falling objects as you leave the building.
  • Be prepared for aftershocks.
  • Go to the college’s Evacuation Assembly Point (Basketball Courts across from PNCA), tell your supervisor or PNCA representative that you are out of the building and report injured or trapped persons and any signs of building damage you observed.
  • If possible, do not use phones for local calls, except emergencies, during the first 15-30 minutes after the earthquake. Overloading the phone system with calls may delay the delivery of emergency assistance. 

Also see Emergency Response information for more information.

These safety tips and guidelines are not all inclusive, but if understood, reviewed periodically and training on when feasible, these tips can increase your chances of surviving an active shooter.  

An active shooter is an individual(s) actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations require law enforcement to take immediate action to stop the threat.  

The information below outlines active shooter response strategies. Since every incident varies, you should be flexible in determining which strategy works best in that specific situation. These safety tips and guidelines are not all inclusive, but if understood, reviewed periodically, and trained when feasible, they can increase your chances of surviving an active shooter incident.   

Response Strategies


  • Assess the situation. Consider your options
  • Move quickly
  • Leave belongings behind
  • Help and warn others as you exit (if safe to do so)
  • Run to a safe location-find cover if possible
  • Call 911 to alert the Police when safe to do so 


  • Try to find a secure place
  • Lock doors and windows. If possible, cover windows
  • Barricade the door(s) with furniture, heavy items, etc. Don’t let anyone into the safe space
  • Turn off lights and silence all electronic devices
  • Remain calm and quiet
  • Prepare to defend yourself
  • Call 911 when safe to do so 


  • Commit to being aggressive
  • Improvise weapons
  • Make a plan. Spread out, act as a team
  • If attacker is disarmed, don’t pick up attacker’s weapon
  • Call 911 when safe to do so

Also see Safety, Security and Safety Committee for additional information.

To facilitate a safe educational environment, students studying on campus should use common sense regarding their personal safety:

  • When walking through campus or on the sidewalks surrounding campus, be aware of persons and/or activities around you. If you notice suspicious persons or behavior, contact security immediately.  Contact Campus Safety at anytime by calling 503-621-2061.
  • When leaving the school at night it is a good idea to arrange to walk with another student if possible. You may also request a walking escort from Campus Safety by calling 503-621-2061.
  • When studying or working in the building, report any suspicious persons, activities, or sounds to security personnel. 
  • When studying or working alone in the building, never prop doors open or let unknown persons into the building. 
  • Report any questionable persons who loiter or act suspicious in your area.
  • If you are the victim of a crime on PNCA’s campus or in the surrounding areas, notify security personnel immediately. 


Emergency Notification System

Our Emergency Communication System is a method or methods to notify the entire campus community with the details of an occurring or pending emergency situation. Examples are weather delays or closures, on-campus or near-campus emergencies that could present a danger, or threatening people on or in the vicinity of campus.

In the event that an emergency message needs to be sent out, a message is sent via e-mail, text and telephone in a matter of minutes. The message will notify you of the situation or danger and offer directions or suggestions to avoid certain areas or be cautious about possible situations. Update messages will be sent out with current information, or to let people know that the situation has ended.

We encourage you to add/update your personal contact phone number in the Emergency Notification System.  You can add/update your cell phone number online using the links below:  

Students click here

To receive campus emergency notifications:
To add your cell phone number select add:

  1. Scroll down to Phone Numbers and select "+Add New Phone"
  2. Enter your phone number (cell phone)
  3. Select  "Emergency Broadcast Phone" under "Type"
  4. Click the "Add Phone" button.

To update your cell phone number update:

  1. Scroll down to Phone Numbers and click the pencil icon in the row  where the Type is "Emergency Broadcast Phone"
  2. Update your Emergency Contact phone number (cell phone)
  3. Click the "Update Phone" button.

Faculty and Staff click here

Please add your cell phone number to Workday by clicking on the "edit" button on the top left side of the page and update/add a "Mobile (Used for Campus Emergency Notification)" in the "phone" section. If you would like some assistance in updating your record in Workday, please look at the attached Workday help document.



PNCA’s policy and procedure for reporting crime or incidents committed on campus is as follows:

  • Call 9-1-1 for any EMERGENCY
  • Call 503.621.2061 reach a Campus Safety officer.
  • Complete a Community Concern/Incident Report Form. This system is not for reporting emergencies, or crimes in progress. Person’s who have experienced a crime or incident committed on campus is urged to report the occurrence as soon as possible to the on-duty Campus Safety Officer.  

When reporting a crime/incident/emergency:

  • Remain calm.
  • Give the location of the incident to include the building name, room number, or the area name.
  • Identify yourself and give a callback telephone number. Your identity will remain private if you wish; however, it is important we are able to contact you if we need additional information.
  • State the incident you are reporting (e.g. theft, medical emergency, fire, etc.).
  • Describe the scene such as who, and how many people are there, if medical treatment is being given, a description of all involved parties, the involved party’s direction of flight, and other relevant information.
  • Stay on the phone until the dispatcher has recorded all of the information.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act [20 U.S.C. §1092 (f), and HEA §485 (f)], the Clery Act, as it is commonly known, is a Federal law, enacted in 1990, requiring all post-secondary institutions participating in Title IV student financial assistance programs, to publish a statistical report of crimes on or near the institution’s campus, as well as information about security policies and procedures.  

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 amends the Clery Act to require such institutions to disclose statistics, policies and procedures relating specifically to dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and hate crimes.  

The PNCA Annual Campus Security and Fire Report, available to all current and prospective students and employees, is distributed in accordance with the Clery Act, and includes data for the past three calendar years.  

The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies on drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, student housing evacuation in the event of fire, electrical appliances, to whom fires should be reported, and other matters.  

You can obtain a copy of this report by viewing it here.



Also see the Missing Residential Student Notification Policy for additional information.

In compliance with the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures 20 USC 1092 C; (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008), it is the policy of Pacific Northwest College of Art to actively investigate any report of a missing student who is enrolled at the college as either a full or part-time student.  


Most missing-person reports in the college environment result from students changing their routines without informing roommates and friends of the change. For purposes of this policy, a student will be considered missing if a roommate, classmate, faculty member, friend, family member, or other campus person has not seen or heard from the person in a reasonable amount of time. In general a reasonable amount of time is 24 hours or more, but may vary with the time of day and information available regarding the missing person’s daily schedule, habits, and reliability. Individuals will also be considered missing immediately if their absence has occurred under circumstances that are suspicious or cause concern for their safety.  

Investigation & Notification  

If a member of the college community has reason to believe that a student is missing, that person should immediately notify Campus Safety at 503-621-2061.    

Actions that will be taken by PNCA’s Campus Safety Department include (but are not limited to):

  • Call or text the student’s home/cell phones or other numbers on record 
  • Email the student 
  • Contact the student’s roommates and neighbors (residential students only) 
  • Contact the student’s faculty or academic advisors 
  • Contact any other on-campus or off-campus friends or contacts that are made known including the student’s emergency contact 
  • Review the student’s network print or email accounts to determine most recent activity
  • Check a student’s social networking sites such as Homeroom, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter. 

If after investigation a student is determined missing for at least 24 hours, the appropriate law enforcement agencies and will be notified. If a student is under age 18 and not an emancipated individual, or has failed to designate an emergency contact, PNCA is required to notify a parent or guardian. If a student is over age 18, PNCA is required to notify the emergency contact the student identified to the college.    

The Pedal Garden, near the NW corner of the 511 Building, is a bicycle parking facility dedicated to the PNCA biking community. It was designed, created and installed by PNCA students and stands in memory of PNCA student Tracey Sparling, who was killed in a bike accident in 2007. There are several additional bike parking spaces on the West side of the building, and a limited number of hanging bike storage spaces on the first floor.  

Bicycle theft is the most prevalent crime at PNCA. Lock your bike well with a U-lock and separate cable lock through the tires if possible. Bicycles left unattended are prohibited in PNCA common spaces and hallways. Unattended bicycles found in those locations will be impounded by Campus Safety. Bike parking is not allowed on any of the handrails or inside the main campus building. Bicycle safety is essential. PLEASE WEAR A HELMET and, at night, use bike lights (required by law)!

Students are required to have and may be asked to present their PNCA photo ID card at any time on campus. When activated by the Technology Staff, ID cards can grant you access to select facilities including the Glass Building, Creative Technology Lab, and the Digital Print Studio. Request your ID through the ID Card request form. Visit Willamette University's ID Cards and Building Access page for more info. Lost or stolen ID cards must be reported to Technology Support Staff and replacement cards will incur a $20.00 fee to your Student Account.